Fellows’ Program
With effect from 1 March 2024, the Social Institute (SCI) has introduced a Fellows’ program to create opportunities for specialists in the field to gain additional recognition for their work, to develop their skills, and to contribute to our work for mutual benefit and public interest. The Fellowships are pro bono, non-resident and initially for a period of one to two years. They offer the Fellow an opportunity to promote their talent and obtain publication.
Diversity in recruitment is a guiding principle in development of SCI. We orient our work globally and collaborate closely with Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa.
We will encourage Fellows to submit funding proposals for research in partnership with the SCI.
There will be several categories for appointment:
Distinguished Fellow: prominent public policy analyst who has been recognised for significant contributions to business, academia, the community, or military and national security as reflected in the very senior level career appointments.
Senior Fellow: prominent researcher, senior policy maker, educator, or senior business leader, with PhD or equivalent research experience, and with demonstrated influence in their field, with ten or more years’ experience in that field.
Research Fellow: promising researcher, policy maker or business manager, with PhD or equivalent research experience, and with demonstrated influence in their field, with at least two years’ experience in that field.
Associate Fellow: new entrant to the field with enthusiasm for learning and contributing to its development, including while studying or completing qualifications for this area or recently employed in the field.
Part of the process of offering a Fellowship will be agreement between the Fellow and SCI on the contribution of a product or project by the Fellow and the reciprocal commitment by SCI to help the Fellow’s career or wider objectives. Our aim is to host no more than four Fellows in each category at any one time, with the exception that the number of Associate Fellows hosted will be around 8-10 at any time.
Individual Fellows will be supervised by Professor Glenn Withers, Director of SCI. He will be assisted by other SCI colleagues by mutual agreement with the Fellow.
Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis though interested researchers can also be guided by updates on specific openings on this web-page. To apply, please send a cover letter (maximum two-pages), including your proposed research output during your fellowship, and a comprehensive cv. You should feel free to discuss your interest prior to submission of an application with Professor Glenn Withers (glenn.withers@socialcyber.co).